American Farmland Trust Practical Soil Health Specialist Training (2018-2020)
The Practical Soil Health Specialist Training Program was a NE-SARE funded project of the American Farmland Trust. Project collaborators included New York Soil Health, Cornell Soil Health Laboratory, Cornell University, NRCS, New York Department of Ag and Markets, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Cornell Small Farms Program, Soil & Water Conservation Districts, agri-businesses, and farmers.
This was a 3-year program for 20 agricultural service professionals across New York State. The goal was to establish a network of Practical Soil Health professionals to support and educate farmers to improve soil health on their land. Specialist trainees got an in-depth understanding of what soil health is, how it can be measured and monitored over time, and how soil health can be improved through holistic, adaptive, and data-driven soil management. The training was a series of five, two-day workshops with associated field days. In addition to presentation materials, we have posted project resources to serve as a template for the development of future soil health specialist trainings.
- Aaron Ristow, New York Agricultural Stewardship Manager:
- Joseph Amsili, Extension Associate Cornell Soil Health Program,
Workshop 1: Soil Health Principles
- Introduction to Soil Health
- Principles and Benefits of Building Healthy Soils
- Soil Biota and Their Impact on Soil Health
- Ecological Nutrient Management
- Quantifying Soil Health
- Soil Health Management Framework and Planning Process
- Soil Health Management Scenarios
Project Resources for Workshop 1:
Workshop 2: Cropping Systems and Cover Crops
- Cover Crop Root Traits
- Double Cropping with Winter Cereals and Silage Crops
- Cover Crops in Organic Systems
- Addressing Soil Health Metrics through Cover Crops
- Cover Crop Management Scenarios
- Economic Impacts of Cover Crops on New York Farms
- Cover Crops and Zone-Till in Organic Vegetables
- Soil Health Management Effects On CASH Indicators
- Nitrogen Credits from Cover Crops
Project Resources for Workshop 2:
Workshop 3: Eliminating, Reducing, or Modifying Tillage for Soil Health
- Workshop 3 Introduction
- Soil Health: History, Geography, and Opportunities in New York State
- Farmer Panel with John Kemmeren, Dave Magos, and Jay Swede (Video)
- Pests and Diseases in Corn and Soybean: Management in No-Till Systems
- Planting Green Research Summary
- Managing for Healthier Soils and Cleaner Water – Jim Hershey
- Farmer Panel with Donn Branton, John Macauley, and Jim Hershey (Video)
- Effects of Reduced Tillage on Beneficial Arthropods
Project Resources for Workshop 3:
Workshop 4: Adaptive Nutrient Management for Soil Health
- Introduction to Biochar
- Nutrient Management in Pasture Systems Resources: Beetz, 2002 Nutrient Cyling in Pastures (ATTRA) and Peterson et al 2002 Chapter 4: Nutrient Management in Forage-Livestock Systems
- Nitrogen Management with Adapt-N: The Soil Health Context
- Soil Health Insights from the Hudson Valley Farm Hub
- Introduction to Stone House Farm and Hudson Carbon
- Agricultural Management and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Innovations in Agricultural Nutrient Management
Project Resources for Workshop 4:
Workshop 5: Soil Health Economics and Communication:
- On-farm Partial Budgeting to Assess Soil Health Practices
- Economic Case Studies of Soil Health
- Using the NRCS Cover Crop Economics Decision Support Tool (Video)
- Aspects of Successful Communication and Program Implementation
- Soil Health Specialist Training Expectations and Support
Project Resources for Workshop 5:
- Project Packet
- Speaker Bios
- 4 A’s of Lesson Planning (CCE Handout) & Compass Message Box Template Tool
- Soil Health Case Studies (AFT and NRCS) & Communicating with your landowner factsheet
Soil Health Demonstration Toolbox
Handout on Soil Health Slake Test
Webinar 1- Expectations of hosting soil health workshops and providing technical assistance:
- SARE AFT Webinar 1 Agenda
- SARE AFT Webinar 1 Slides
- SARE AFT Outreach and Technical Assistance Tracking Form
- SARE AFT Webinar 1 Video
Webinar 2- Cover Crop Mixtures with Dr. Charles White (PSU) and Soil Health Workshop Stipend Requests
- SARE AFT Webinar 2 Agenda
- SARE AFT Webinar 2 Slides
- SARE AFT Stipend Request Form
- SARE AFT Expense Form
- IRS W9 Form (Required on file with AFT to recieve stipend)
- SARE AFT Webinar 2 Video: Dr. Charles White’s Cover Crop Mixtures Talk
Webinar 3- Cornell Soil Health Program Research Update and Check-in
- SARE AFT Webinar 3 Agenda
- SARE AFT Webinar 3 Slides + What’s Cropping Article on North Carolina Reanalysis
- SARE AFT Webinar 3 Video: Cornell Soil Health Program Research Update from Joseph Amsili
References for Practical Soil Specialist Training